we're inviting you to sundays!


What's the current series about?

Ever had one of those times you're constantly hitting your head against a brick wall?  The kind where even the little missteps cascade and soon you're describing the entire day as an epic disaster and you just want to crawl back to bed and pull the covers over your head?  They. Are. Tough.

What if instead of viewing those days as a defeat, we were able to look at them with a more measured evaulation?  One where could remind ourselves that while we're going to face circumstances that sometimes get the better of us, it's not surprising and we're not battling them alone.  There is help, and there is hope.

This series is based on the power of mercy, that amazing gift which covers a myriad of failures.  We are human, so by definition there are things we are going to miss.  EVERY DAY.  Our best intentions can't whitewash the truth: we will get tired, lose our patience, miss occasions to be kind, fall back into bad habits, or experience any other of a myriad of mistakes which make us feel defeated.  Did you know the Bible is full of equally fallible people who still lived worthy lives because they found redemption and a way forward through the grace of Jesus?  We have the same opportunity.

You're invited to this 5 week series that reveals the power of mercy, and the restoration and strength available to each of us when we say 'YES!' to Jesus.  You are welcome to come and see, learn some things you might never have been taught before and evaluate ideas that just might change your life forever. Invite someone to come with you! Riverside is a safe place to do life with other people who can help & encourage you, and to learn more about what it looks like to walk in faith. Join us Sundays for uplifting music and practical teaching you can really understand and apply to your life, we're saving a seat just for you!

  • 8:45am
  • 10:30am
  • 12:05pm
  • 9:00am
  • 10:45am
  • 9:00am
  • 10:45am
  • invite a friend! save the image...then pass it along.

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