Riverside Church exists to reach people and help them become fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Is membership a missing piece in your Next Steps? Being a member at Riverside is a public statement of faith, ownership, stewardship and responsibility for the life and gifts God has placed in you and your community of faith. It is more than sitting through a class and receiving information. Membership is your way of saying "yes" to the life-long journey of transformation through community.
- Consider connecting with someone at our Next Steps areas after the service. Ask questions! Learn about who we are at Riverside, where we're been, and where we're going as a church; see if this is a good place for you to connect and grow.
- Participate in Membership Class. During this class Riverside's history, vision and values will be covered; you will also receive a guidebook and membership application.
Sign up for Class - Complete a membership application and sign the Riverside Church Membership Covenant.
Membership Application view the membership covenant - Interview with an Elder Board Member (after going to the membership class).