Mark Winnen

Buffalo Facilities

Hi, I’m Mark. I’ve been at Riverside since 2013, first just attending but soon thereafter I began serving, became a member, and in the spring of 2023 joined the staff as custodian for the Big Lake campus. For the last few years, I had been thinking of working at Riverside after retiring, so when the position opened and after prayerful consideration decided to retire a little early from my 34-year career as an engineering test technician to work here. I love the friendly, passionate, and talented people I work with and am honored to have a part in the things God is doing at Riverside to reach and grow His people. My wife, Sandi, and I live in St. Michael. We have three grown sons and soon to be 5 grandchildren who we enjoy spending time with.  I like bowling, drumming, throwing beanbags, exploring parks, and hiking with my wife. I also very much enjoy the opportunity to help others when I can. One of the things I like most about working and serving at Riverside is getting to know more people and hearing their stories

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