Riverside Church exists to reach people and help them become fully devoted followers of Jesus.

Is membership a missing piece in your Next Steps? Being a member at Riverside is a public statement of faith, ownership, stewardship and responsibility for the life and gifts God has placed in you and your community of faith. It is more than sitting through a class and receiving information. Membership is your way of saying "yes" to the life-long journey of transformation through community. 


  1. Consider connecting with someone at our Next Steps areas after the service.  Ask questions! Learn about who we are at Riverside, where we're been, and where we're going as a church; see if this is a good place for you to connect and grow.
  2. Participate in Membership Class. During this class Riverside's history, vision and values will be covered; you will also receive a guidebook and membership application. Light refreshments and childcare are provided if you pre-register.
    Sign up for Class
  3. Complete a membership application and sign the Riverside Church Membership Covenant.
    Membership Application    view the membership covenant   
  4. Interview with an Elder Board Member (after going to the membership class).

Next Membership Class:  Fall 2025