Join Us Online

"Riverside is not just a church where you go, it's a family where you can belong."

We've said that quote many times before...and it couldn't be more true today. While we believe that family is best experienced in person, we know there are sometimes circumstances or geography which can keep that from happening. Whatever that looks like for you, we are thrilled to be able to connect with you through our Online Campus until you can join us in person!

streaming links

Join our online campus live on Sundays at 8:45am, 10:30am or 12:05pm!

Live Stream Here      rc facebook page

missed a sunday message?
what does a sunday at riverside look like?
giving at riverside

Thank you for your ongoing support & generosity to keep the mission of Riverside moving forward!  You can give digitally or mail a gift to PO Box 296, Monticello MN 55362.

what to expect

What's a Sunday like?

We gather for about an hour every weekend, and we go through a series of talks—message series.   We look at the Bible, why it matters, and how to apply it to our lives. 

What does that look like?

Each week, we worship God through music.  We welcome you to participate with us online & join in right where you are.

We have someone there just for you!

During each of our livestream services, our Riverside host team will welcome & chat with you as well as answer any questions you may have. They are also available to pray with you, privately if preferred, throughout the service.

What does it look like online?

Communion at Riverside is an important time to reflect on the cross of Jesus Christ. If you're joining us online, we encourage you to use whatever you have available at your house -- crackers, bread, juice -- and take a few minutes to quietly reflect on all that Jesus has done for you.   At Riverside, we have communion in our services once a month.