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I Believe in God, but Not in His Church

The Christian Atheist

Tom LundeenOctober 22, 2023All Church Spiritual Journey

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Passage: Titus 1:16

Jesus created the Church to be a place where you can experience relationships the way they were meant to be and a place where you can become everything He died on the cross for you to be. So why do some people profess to love Jesus, but want nothing to do with His Church?

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I Believe in God, but Not in His Church


Pastor Tom Lundeen


A Christian Atheist is someone who claims some kind of  in God, but lives their life as if God doesn't exist.

Note Titus 1:16a


...there's almost a , a super-spirituality attitude expressed by some people who profess to love Jesus, but want nothing to do with His Church.


1. Just What is the Church?


A. It's the  of Jesus (note 1 Corinthians 12:27).

B. Jesus is the  of the Body (note Colossians 1:18).

C. Jesus is the  of the Church (note Matthew 16:18).

D. The Church is the  of Jesus (note 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:25-27; Revelation 19:7-9).

E. It's the Assembly of  ones by God (note Acts 2:41; 1 Corinthians 1:1-2).

F.  of God (note Ephesians 2:19; Romans 8:16).

G. Pillar and foundation of  (note 1 Timothy 3:15).


If you profess to believe in God, it's , according to Scripture, to not be engaged in Jesus' churches. 

There's no Biblical concept of a Jesus follower not being fully committed to and participating in a  church. 

So why does Jesus tell us the Church matters? 


2. Because It's the Place of  Community (note Acts 2:42)


Jesus created the Church to be a place where you can experience relationships the way they were  to be.

But devotion is a powerful force when applied to positive endeavors. 


Jesus' Church, energized by the Holy Spirit and motivated by a relational commitment to one another, has the power to  lives like nothing else on earth. 


3. Because It's the Place of Wholehearted  (note Acts 2:42, 43a, 47a)


Worship is giving God what He rightly  (note Romans 11:36-12:1).

The Church is where God gets the glory He . 


4. Because It's the Place Where Spiritual Growth is  (note Acts 2:42a)


Lots of us take things like our golf game, bank account, or career seriously, but the most important thing (a  with God) is too often neglected. 


Note 1 Timothy 4:8

Jesus  His Church to be a place where you can become everything He died on the cross for you to be. 


5. Because It's the Place Where We  in Highest Priorities (note Acts 2:43-44)


They lived with open hands, not  fists.

They invested in positive and  priorities. 

Material things aren't bad, but only  and God's Word last forever.


Only one life, will soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last. 

Life is . 

Jesus created the Church to be a place where our time, talents, and treasure get invested for . 


6. Because It's the Place Where the  Can Be  (note Acts 2:47b)


Jesus designed His Church to be a place where people get  into God's family (note 2 Corinthians 5:19). 

The Church is only the Church when its first priority and  is towards people unconnected to Jesus. 


Lost people matter to God and He wants them found.

And He uses His Church to be His hands, feet, and mouth to tell His story and share His love with others...


So are you sure?:
  • The Church is God's .
  • There's no concept in the New Testament of a genuine Jesus follower not fully  in Jesus' Church.
  • First, you have to become a part of Jesus' Church.
  • Second, are you fully engaged in Jesus' church here?

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Messages in The Christian Atheist