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Unstoppable (part 1)


Tom LundeenJune 19, 2022State of the Church Messages

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Passage: Matthew 16:18

There is no human reason why 2,000 years later, not only does the Christian faith exist, but that it is the only religious faith in the world that has followers on every continent on earth, and is easily the most diverse...religious faith on the planet. 

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Unstoppable (part 1)

Pastor Tom Lundeen


Note Matthew 16:18b

There is no human reason why 2,000 years later, not only does the Christian faith , but that it is the only religious faith in the world that has followers on every continent on earth, and is easily the most ...religious faith on the planet.  


1. How is it Possible the Christian Faith Has Survived and ?


Note Acts 4:13a

These 11 unremarkable individuals...had  against them the entire religious and political leadership of the Jewish people, and the political and military might of the Roman Empire, the  power of the ancient world. 


How did the Christian faith not only survive all of this, but in just  become the dominant faith of the Roman Empire?

Why would Jesus followers not waver in faith and be willing to  if this was all a lie?

Because Jesus rose from the dead, is alive forevermore, and is  people's lives every day (note 1 Corinthians 15:12-20a; Acts 2:47b).


Christianity would have been a short-lived, tiny  of Judaism if Jesus was never raised from the dead. 

If not even  could stop Jesus, then nothing can stop His Church from completing His mission. 


2. So What Is Jesus Doing ?


A. He's building His Church/ Family - from The Center for the Study of Global Christianity:

  •  Christians worldwide (largest organization in the world by far, i.e., larger than China, the US and the European Union combined).
  • 1 out of every  people on the planet identify themselves as a follower of Jesus.
  • Since the year 2000, the Christian Church has grown faster every year than the . 
  • Pentecostals and Evangelicals are both growing as fast as the world's population every year for the past 22 years. 
  • Atheism has :
    • 1970 = 165 million atheists out of 3.5 billion people (% of the total population).
    • 2022 = 138 million atheists out of 7.9 billion people (% of the total population).
  • After the US, nations with the most practicing Christians are Brazil (% of the nation); Ethiopia ( % of the nation); Congo (% of the nation); Nigeria ( million practicing Christians).
  • Over  million practicing Christians in China despite government persecution and growing  times faster than the population. 



  • Every minute of every hour of every , Jesus is building His Church/Forever Family (note Romans 8:29; Hebrews 2:11; Galatians 3:26-28).
  • And the Church Jesus is building,  as it is in the midst of a broken world, empowered by the Holy Spirit, has been and will continue to be unstoppable. 

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Messages in Unstoppable