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Boiling Point


Tom LundeenSeptember 18, 2022All Church Spiritual Journey

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Passage: James 1:19-20

We live in a Cancel Culture world where people are constantly either in the state of being offended, or looking for a way to be offended. Is it actually possible to live an UNOFFENDABLE life? What role does anger play and how should we respond to it?

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Boiling Point


Pastor Tom Lundeen


...we live in a  Culture world where people are constantly either in the state of being offended, or looking for a way to be offended. 

Is it  possible to live an unoffendable life? 


Note James 1:19-20

Anger doesn't happen in ; it's usually triggered by something else.   


1. What ? (note Ephesians 4:26-27)


A.  - anger can be a . Emotional hurts are often tough to cope with and they become a  for anger. 

B.  - anger often follows fear . Over a long period of time, lots of worry produces fear, lots of fear produces anger... and the results are usually lots of . (Carty)


D.  -  or perceived. 



2. The  of Anger


Anger has a  progression (note Ephesians 4:31).


  •  (note Hebrews 12:15)
  • Rage/wrath = hot  
  •  = flaring-up

 Anger greases the skids to the  of unforgiveness.

When an unforgiving spirit is present, then people get . 


3. to Anger


A.  it

B.  it

C.  it

D. God's way =  it - get God's  (note Numbers 16:15).


4. How Can We Learn to  of Anger?


A.  your expectations of others - imperfect people are  consistent in being imperfect, including how they relate to you. Note 2 Timothy 3:1-5a. Jesus was never  that sinners sin. We all    mess up. 

B.  your gratitude for God's grace - How many of us  God's love? What does God  you and me? Note Ephesians 2:8-9;           John 8:3-11...It's time to drop your . 



(Ephesians 4:31-32, PHILLIPS) - Let there be no resentment, no more  or temper, no more violent self-assertiveness, no more slander and no more malicious remarks. Be kind to each other, be understanding. Be as ready to forgive others as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you. 

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Messages in Unoffendable?