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Passage: Colossians 1:23-2:3

What we're focused on impacts everything about our lives personally, internally, spiritual, emotionally and relationally. So how can we determine if our focus on serving is healthy and rightly motivated?

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Focused on Serving


Pastor Tom Lundeen


..what we're focused on impacts everything about our lives personally, internally, spiritually, , and relationally. 

Note Colossians 1:23b

So how can we determine if our focus on serving is  and rightly motivated? 


1. How Do I Navigate ?

Paul understood that serving Jesus isn't always simple, , and fun...

(note Colossians 1:24; Acts 9:15-16).

Following and serving Jesus includes navigating hardships, opposition, and even  (note 2 Timothy 3:12).


All of us rejoice in sufferings...just other people's sufferings (not in the  sense...).

No  saint ever chooses suffering. He chooses God's will as Jesus did whether it means suffering or not. (Chambers)


2. What's My  for Serving?

  • Why do I serve Jesus?
  • So others will ?
  • For my own self-satisfaction?
  • So I can  about it on social media?


Note Colossians 1:25

When you know Who you're serving and why you're serving, it gives you  to keep going when your kids don't appreciate you, when people don't say thank you, when it was a tough week at work/school. 


You and I are  by God to serve Him and others (note Ephesians 2:10).

Mystery = something once  but now revealed (note Colossians 1:26, 27).

Christ lives in you. 


This is in the Old Testament, but people wrongly assumed they would find God in the Promised Land, or in the , or in the Temple (note Jeremiah 31:31-34).

Jesus in us is the hope of glory (living life as God ).


3. Do I Have a  for People?

Paul's vision was  (note Colossians 1:28).

Perfect =  

Vision tends to  when facing unexpected challenges/obstacles.

Paul was in , but his vision hadn't shrunk. 


When our focus is up on Jesus, He will help our vision for people and what God can do in someone's life to stay , be compelling, and unshrinkable. 


4. Where Will I Get the  I Need From?


Note Colossians 1:29



The important question isn't, How will I get the energy to get more done?, but What does  want me to do? When it's my work, I end up using  energy. But when it's His work, I end up using  energy. (Holladay). 


5. Is it About ?

Paul was focused on people because it is people that are the focus of  (note Colossians 2:1-3).

Paul wanted people to know Jesus and not be  away from Him by false teaching/teachers (note Colossians 2:4).


Because his focus was up on Jesus, he also focused on people, because the focus of Jesus is to rescue, redeem and  people's lives (note Colossians 2:5-7).



Am I focused UP?
  • If you're focused up on Jesus, then you'll also be focused on  Him and His church.
  • Note Mark 10:45 

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