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Focusing In (Part 2)

Focus Up

Tom LundeenFebruary 11, 2024

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Passage: Colossians 3:10-14

The Apostle Paul used the imagery of clothing to help us see that following Jesus means an entire wardrobe overhaul. So what does our new wardrobe look like?

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Focusing In (Part 2)


Pastor Tom Lundeen


...clothes and shoes are a significant part of an American family's budget (average of $ a year, but that can vary widely depending on gender, age and income levels).

...what we're focused on impacts everything about our lives personally, internally, , emotionally, and relationally. 

Note Colossians 3:1-4


So, what are the  Jesus followers wearing?

We saw first of all:


1. There's an Old Wardrobe to  


A.  sins 

B.  sins 


Note Colossians 3:9


2. There's a God- New Wardrobe to Enjoy (note Colossians 3:10)


A  follower of Jesus has ceased to be what they used to be (note 2 Corinthians 5:17).

So what does this new wardrobe look like?

...genuine spirituality in the Scriptures is always primarily seen in all of our ...



A. Without  (note Colossians 3:10-11) a common human  across all nations and people groups and has been throughout history. 

For Jesus followers, religious and cultural longer separate us.


Also, no  prejudice in Jesus (colorblind).

And no  prejudice. 



B. What's in Your Closet? (note Colossians 3:12) 


Tenderhearted mercy/compassion = not only displaying mercy, but having a genuine  where you feel for others. 

Kindness = desires for another's . 

Humility =  to the divisive nature of pride...


Patience = especially in the face of provocation...a refusal to .


Note Colossians 3:13 = original language = forgive yourselves.

In light of Jesus' forgiveness in our life, we have no reason to hold on to  (note Matthew 6:12-15).


Love (note Colossians 3:14) - this isn't just another . 

Love is what  all these other virtues and connects/knits them all together. 


It's God's love...that is the  of the gospel and mission of Jesus (note John 3:16; Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:16; 4:9-10; Galatians 5:6, 14). 

Without love, all these other virtues and qualities are only moral duties to perform and  to keep. 



Am I focused UP?
  • So, what's in your spiritual ?
  • What wardrobe are you ?
  • The starting place is to say 'YES!' to Jesus as Lord. 
  • Are you consistently putting on (by the power of the Spirit and the Word of God) the wardrobe of virtues and attitudes and character qualities that clearly identify you as a person who's wearing what the  Jesus followers are wearing? 

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Focus Up