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Tom LundeenJune 16, 2024State of the Church Messages

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Passage: Luke 9:1-54

Today let's unpack why it's so important that being outward-focused has to become the filter through which everything else in our lives and church is seen and evaluated, but why we are so often distracted and diverted from Jesus' mission being our central priority. 

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Pastor Tom Lundeen


Note Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus came to this earth to rescue lost people. 


Note Luke 19:10

And Jesus calls every one of His followers to do what He did and still does constantly: be outward-focused and reaching lost people.  


But despite how clear the mission and priority of Jesus is, and despite the reality that most Bible-believing churches affirm that Jesus wants them to be outward-focused and reach lost people; the fact is, there's a cognitive dissonance in many/most churches and individuals when we recognize that what we say we believe and how we act are at least inconsistent, and at worst, contradictory. 


Today let's unpack why it's so important that being outward-focused has to become the filter through which everything else in our lives and church is seen and evaluated, but why we are so often distracted and diverted from Jesus' mission being our central priority. 


 1. On-Track


Note Luke 9:1-2, 6, 10-20, 22-25, 28-31

When we are fully engaged in Jesus' mission, we get to see Him work in amazing ways and get to be a part of the incredible things He's doing!


 2. Off-Track


Despite all that they've seen, experienced, and had Jesus remind them of (His mission), the disciples get off mission.

Why does this happen?

How does this happen? 


A. Tough challenges (note Luke 9:1, 38-40) - when God doesn't seem to work/show up like He has done before, when we encounter a difficult situation and our faith seems to not be at the level it needs to be, we can be discouraged and start to drift from Jesus' passion and mission.

B. Self-Centered (note Luke 9:44, 46, 49-50) - ...if Jesus' mission isn't our passion, odds are high we'll go instead to our default setting.

C. Angry at the objects of Jesus' mission and passion (note Luke 9:3-5, 51-54; Mark 3:17; John 4; Acts 1:8; Acts 8) - How often are we more angry with people who are different from us in some way...instead of seeing them as objects of God's love? 


 3. It Takes Being Intentional


The reality is the natural tendency of every organization is to be inward-focused. 

And this is also true for individuals and churches.


  • We won't naturally just drift into making the passion/mission of Jesus our highest priority. 
  • Also, you won't just drift accidentally into a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

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