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There's No Other Name


Tom LundeenJune 9, 2024State of the Church Messages

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Passage: Acts 1:8

Jesus came to this earth to rescue lost people. 

And Jesus calls every one of His followers to do what He did and still does constantly: be outward-focused and reaching lost people. 

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There's No Other Name


Pastor Tom Lundeen


Note Acts 1:8

Jesus came to this earth to  lost people. 

And Jesus calls every one of His followers to do what He did and still does constantly: be -focused and reaching lost people. 


Note Luke 19:10

While we may agree that Jesus came to rescue lost people and calls His churches and His followers to partner with Him in this mission, the  clearly shows another reality: 


  • About % of U.S. churches are plateaued or declining. 
  • Most churches spend less than % of their annual budgets on reaching lost people. 
  • While % of evangelicals believe they should share Jesus with others, % of practicing Christian millennials in another survey said they believe evangelism in today's society is wrong. 

 In this confusing and contradictory reality when it comes to Jesus' mission, this series is going to help us understand why being outward-focused as Jesus followers and as a church is the most transforming and  thing we can do (for ourselves and others). 

Today let's focus on one of the biggest reasons the mission of Jesus has to always be our top priority:


1. Because There's Only One  to Our Biggest Problem


Everyone eventually . 

And the  tell us why this happens (note Romans 3:23; 6:23a). 

Humanity has this  problem that it cannot solve.


Our  separates us from a God who is holy, just, and who hates sin. 

His  demands sin to be punished, but because God is also loving and good, He's provided a  to our biggest problem that can offer us forgiveness and a new life. 


And this solution is one ...

 is this Person. 

Either Jesus takes on our  of sin and pays for it, or we will be held accountable for our sin . 


2. Because There's  Other Name


Probably one of the biggest  to the Christian faith in our confused culture is that Jesus is the only way of salvation.

It sounds arrogant/narrow-minded/.


Note John 14:6; Acts 4:12

Only one Person  our biggest problem.



Foundations matter:


  • Put most simply, the reason Jesus is the only way of salvation is because He's the  One who solved the problem. (Koukl)
  • Have you let Jesus solve your biggest problem? 
  • And because there's no other name, is Jesus' mission your  priority? 

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Foundations