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Is There a Tension That Deserves My Attention?

Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets

Tom LundeenOctober 3, 2021All Church Spiritual Journey

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Passage: Judges 13:1-16:31

The tension we sense is a gift from God we commonly call conscience. In this message, we'll look at Samson's life, decisions & consequences from the book of Judges.

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Is there a Tension That Deserves my Attention?

Pastor Tom Lundeen



Note Ephesians 5:15-17


That tension we sense is a gift from God we commonly call .

Note 1 Timothy 1:5; 1 Peter 3:16


We cannot have a  conscience if we ignore it.

Note Hebrews 11:32


1. Let’s Make Sure We Have a  Picture of Samson


Samson seems like an easy person to identify as some kind of muscle-bound idiot with character flaws  out of every pore.


A. His  was miraculous (note Judges 13:2) - announced by an angel (note Judges 13:3).

B. God’s   was upon his life before he was even conceived.

C. He’s the first identified .

D. God gave him incredible physical strength for the purpose of delivering Israel from an   nation...during the  days of Israel’s history as a nation (note Judges 14:6, 19a; 15:14-15).


There was much to admire about Samson, and in many ways, he was a  of Christ.

Note Hebrews 11:32-34


  1. But Samson  Paid Attention to the Tension


Despite God’s call, empowerment, and equipping for leadership in very challenging times, Samson’s life and legacy is seen by most people as a  of God’s gifts and grace.

...because when it came to his   appetite, Samson ignored his conscience.


He ignored his  advice (Judges 14:1-4).

But this revealed in Samson not just a one-off lack of judgment, but a weakness that would come to  his life and legacy…


So Samson fell into a pattern of his , and his pride and his passions kept propelling him towards disaster (note Judges 14:15-17; 16:4-6).



Am I making better decisions so I can have fewer regrets?:

  • God isn’t looking for  people, because there aren’t any.
  • But not listening to his God-given conscience, not paying attention to the tension leaves any honest person studying and reviewing his life and legacy to throw up their hands in wonder, How could he be a person of faith but also lack character and integrity?
  • Reality is like Samson, we can be people of faith in many ways, but in one or more parts of our life not pay attention to the tension/our conscience.
  • Blind spots are  to see in others; but  to see in ourselves.

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Messages in Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets