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You Are Not Alone

Stuck in the Middle

Tony MylesJune 4, 2023

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Passage: 1 Kings 19:1-18

Imagine if everyone around us felt seen and loved...especially in their pain and struggle. We can be better at caring for others when we realize how God cares for us.

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You Are Not Alone


Pastor Tony Myles


The greatest love story...

Imagine if everyone around us felt  and ...especially in their  and . (Proverbs 12:25)

This isn't the finish line, but the starting line. (Matthew 11:28-30)

  • We can get better at caring for others when we realize how . (see Ephesians 4:32)


Learning from how God cared for Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-18)

v.1-5a: Understand...
  • One single struggle can have multiple .
  • Elijah felt despair...potentially because he was .

"...where two halves of the brain begin to [functionally] separate." - Dr. Mark Goulston

  • It's hard to enjoy the "picnic" when you're experiencing an infestation of A.N.T.s (be it real or )
  • What if we developed a heart to see beyond the ?
  • Practice:   


v.5b-6: Replenish...
  • Sometimes the most spiritual thing someone needs to do is  and .
  • We're  to respond to love and empathy.
  • Oxytosin > Cortisol...only when someone feels "."
  • Practice:  
v.7-8: Empower...
  • Everyone has a next step to take, but they may need help lifting their .
  • Elijah needed more than a "one and done." 

" may seem to some people that I ought not to mention such small things as food and rest, but these may be the very  elements in really helping a poor depressed servant of God." - Charles Spurgeon

  • Practice:  



v.9-14: Reveal...
  • God reveals Himself in many ways, yet we tend to look for the  display of power...there is usually one unique way that our unique struggle  Him most. 
  • What God does from the inside of us is more  than anything He could ever do for us from the outside. 
  • God isn't foundationally  at us...He's foundationally  us.
  • Practice:  


v.15-18: Redirect...
  • We are not the voice of God.
  • We can be a  God uses.
  • God has created all of us with a capacity for .
  • We all get to be a part of a larger story . 
  • Practice:  

Stuck in the middle?

  • We can't reach people or extend compassion unless we first take the time to  them. (see Matthew 9:36)
  • .
  • Be predictably .
  • Listen well, and then speak . 
  • Resource: Seen, by Will Hutcherson and Chinwé Williams


Don't miss this...

Helping others who are hurting is a  process where only Jesus can be the .

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Messages in Stuck in the Middle