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Passage: Colossians 4:2-6

…when Jesus is first place in our lives and everything we do or say is for His praise alone, it will have a positive impact on every relationship and personal encounter we have. So what does it look like to be someone who is focused out on reaching lost people?

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Do You See?


Pastor Tom Lundeen


…when Jesus is  in our lives and everything we do or say is for His praise alone, it will have a positive impact on every relationship and personal encounter we have.

Note Colossians 3:17


So what does it look like to be someone who is focused out on  lost people?


1. Focused-Out People  (note Colossians 4:2)


 is always one of the most significant ways any person can connect with God.

What does it mean to  yourselves to prayer?

Paul tells us it means to be prayer that happens with an  mind and a thankful heart.


Alert mind…watchful…stay …pay attention…have your eyes wide open…be vigilant…

Focused-out people don’t just pray the  prayers in the  way for the  things with the same words…

…they’re paying attention to what’s


Let prayer  what you read and watch.

Gratitude is what produces  and peace in our lives (note 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).


2. Focused-Out People Let Prayer Shape How They  with Lost People (note Colossians 4:3-4)


We don’t need to convince God to  lost people (note 1 Timothy 2:3-4 and 2 Peter 3:9).

Instead, pray for an open door and for an ability to  communicate the greatest good news ever.


3. Focused-Out People Let Wisdom Shape Their  (note Colossians 4:5)


…as good as some types of human wisdom are, the greatest and most  source of wisdom is God Himself (note 1 Corinthians 1:24-25; Colossians 2:3).

Note James 1:5-8


And we especially need wisdom as we  life and conversations with people who haven’t said 'YES!' to Jesus as Lord…

And when God’s wisdom is shaping our speech and behavior, we will  for every opportunity to touch a lost person with the greatest good news ever… (note Colossians 4:5)


4. Focused-Out People Let  Shape Their Speech (note Colossians 4:6)


 mean things.

Tone and body language  or contradict your words (note Colossians 4:6).

Salt = makes things …and creates … (note John 4:10, 13, 14).


How we  words matters (note Ephesians 4:29).

And in a world where words are  like never before…words inspired by and delivered with grace open doors and answer questions even before they’re asked.


Am I focused OUT?:


  • There’s no better week to put into practice being a focused-out person ( weekend coming up!!).
  • Being a focused-out person starts by saying 'YES!' to Jesus as Lord!

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Messages in Focus Out