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How Do I 'I Do?' (Part 1)

Focus Out

Tom LundeenFebruary 18, 2024Marriage

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Passage: Colossians 3:18

When Jesus is first place in our lives and everything we do or say is for His praise alone, it will have a positive impact on every relationship and personal encounter we have. So as God designed marriage (and Jesus affirmed, in Matthew 19:3-6), what does God want wives to focus on?

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How Do I 'I Do'?


Pastor Tom Lundeen


Note Colossians 3:14-17

When Jesus is first place in our lives and everything we do or say is for His praise alone, it will have a positive impact on every relationship and personal  we have. 


Note Colossians 3:18 and Matthew 8:14-15

So as God designed marriage (and Jesus , not Matthew 19:3-6), what does God want wives to focus on?



1. Understand What  Really is and Why it Matters So Much (note 1 Peter 3:1a)


In the same way that Jesus followers are to submit to governmental authorities (except when commanded to , note 1 Peter 2:13-14a) and to their bosses/masters (except when commanded to sin, note 1 Peter 2:18a), this is also the  Jesus wants wives to have towards their husbands in the marriage relationship.


God created the marriage relationship (just like everything else He created) with divinely given  in that relationship.

Submission doesn't equal  (Jesus submitted to His parents, note Luke 2:51; and to His Heavenly Father, note John 7:16; yet He was  than His parents and equal to His Father).


Submission doesn't mean inferior personhood, , or less important (note 1 Peter 3:7; Galatians 3:28). 

It's a   submission.

Note 1 Peter 3:1-2


This text isn't implying that most of these wives had unbelieving husbands, but just the opposite is meant in the original language (if any...even if...unexpected of uncommon situation...note 2 Corinthians 6:14; 1 Corinthians 7:39).

Remember: we may be the only  people in our lives may ever read, and the only  they may ever see. 


Note 1 Peter 3:3-4

A wife's character and personality shaped by God's truth and power makes her  beautiful to her husband (note 1 Peter 3:5).


Note 1 Peter 3:6

It's  lived out that produces the beauty God values.



2.  Your Husbands (note Ephesians 5:33b)


A. Recognize your husband can't meet every  you have - spiritual leadership doesn't equal . If you expect your husband to always make you happy, content, and your life smooth, you will  and discourage him because he cannot ever meet all those expectations. Only  can meet all our needs. 

B. Give him honest  - honestly ask yourselves how much you express admiration and appreciation to your husband (and ) in contrast to how much complaints and criticism dominate your words to and about your husband.  



Am I focused OUT?
  • God intends your relationship with your husband to be something good and that gives  to him and you. 
  • Note Proverbs 18:22; 12:4a
  • Marriage isn't a - compromise, but a %-% commitment and sacrifice. 

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Messages in Focus Out