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How Do I 'I Do?' (Part 2)

Focus Out

Tony MylesFebruary 25, 2024Marriage

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Passage: Colossians 3:19

When Jesus is first place in our lives and everything we do or say is for His praise alone, it will have a positive impact on every relationship and personal encounter we have...Including a man's understanding of himself.

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How Do I 'I Do'?


Pastor Tony Myles


How would you define what makes a  a  

It seems to involve a lot of , doesn't it?

When Jesus is first place in our lives and everything we do or say is for His praise alone, it will have a positive impact on every relationship and personal encounter we have... Including a man's understanding of . 


Here's the Command (Colossians 3:19)

Husbands, love your wives and do not be  with them. (NIV)

Husbands, love your wives and never treat them . (NLT)

Husbands, love your wives and do not be  toward them. (NKJV)

Husbands, love your wives and do not become  against them. (NASB)


Explore every angle: What is this one sentence saying?

  • "Husbands" (anēr): Can also mean a male.
  • "love" (agapaō): Can also mean to be dearly fond of.
  • "wives" (gynē): Can also mean a female.
  • "do not" (mē): Can also mean will/thoughts.
  • "be/become/bitter/harsh/harshly" (pikrainō): Can also mean irritated.
  • "with/toward/treat/against" (pros): Can also mean near.
  • "them" (autos): Can also mean himself.


Specifically: A husband is a man who takes the time to fully  his wife, and who weighs his  and  toward her... and near her.


Similarly: A man is a male who helps a woman around him  and speaks  into her so she can become  God has made her to be.


An experiment... how do you usually say this? "This ."

Men seeing a woman as a  isn't just ancient history.

Write it: .  



Here's the Context (Colossians 3:18)

Christian relationships are never one-sided, but .

Masculinity is not about domineering, but genuinely living out God's  that any loving  might graciously come under. 

How we regard each other shouts a  to the world.


Here's the Conversion (Colossians 3:15-17)

What's going on between you and the men/women in your life has to do with what's going on between you and . 

Men, if you were never taught how to be a man/husband/dad, but you're walking with God every day and letting the Holy Spirit lead you, you're going to be . You're going to actually be quite amazing. 

The heart of a godly man drives him to fill his life with God... so that which is done in private can become public. There is no .


Here's the Conflict (Genesis 2:15-18, 3:6-12)

Then the Lord God called to the man, "?" (Genesis 3:9)

This question isn't about geography... but .

The first man was created to live  with God, then his wife...

but the insecurity of sin turned his God-given  into a ...and it turned the man's words into ...that is, until he was disciplined by God. (see Genesis 3:17-20)



Am I focused OUT?

With God as your Source, it's time to let go of .

If you aren't fully claiming your 'YES!' to Jesus, you're fully missing your  in every relationship. 


Don't miss this...

Manhood (and womanhood) is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in how you speak and live... and noting  after you do. 

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Focus Out