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Falling to Pieces, or Falling Into Peace this Christmas?

Christmas Peace

Tom LundeenDecember 3, 2023Christmas Messages

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Passage: Colossians 1:15-16

Isn't it amazing that an event that happened on the other side of the world 2,000 years ago still has a profound impact on us today? When the world around us seems to be falling to pieces (and perhaps also our personal lives), we can discover how to experience real peace this Christmas. 

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Falling to Pieces, or Falling Into Peace this Christmas?


Pastor Tom Lundeen


Isn't it amazing that an event that happened on the other side of the world 2,000 years ago still has such a profound  on us today? 

In these  times, people are looking for something more...


When the world around us seems to be falling to pieces (and perhaps also our  lives), we can discover how to experience real peace this Christmas because Christmas is: 





Jesus didn't  as a baby in a manger. 

He is the  God (note Colossians 1:15-16).

...He chose to come into our world the same way we all being  into it. 


Why did Jesus come as a ? 

He came to save us and not  us. 

Jesus was in every  a human being (note Philippians 2:6-7).


Because Jesus came to earth and experienced what it means to be , He understands you and me. 

Christmas is not the celebration for billions of people worldwide of some , normal baby. 



2. The  


... cannot teach us that God is loving, forgiving, and has a plan and purpose for life. 

Only  can teach us those things. 

Being personally  to our Creator is how we're going to experience and live that full life. 


Note 1 John 3:5 and Philippians 2:6-8

Jesus didn't stay in a . 

He went to a . 


Christmas  Jesus a lot. 

Note 1 John 4:9-10

The truth is, we are the  for the season. 



3. The  


We were created to know God, to have a personal, life transforming  with Him. 

If we miss this, we  our entire life. 


A wonderful gift  is a worthless gift. 

Note Romans 5:10-11



How can I find Christmas peace?


  • So how many Christmases are you going to go through before you finally  God's gift to you? 

A.  I  that Jesus is God, that I have sinned, and need God's forgiveness. 

B. I  that Jesus died in my place for my sin and that I can be forgiven. 

C.  I  my life to the leadership of Jesus Christ (under new management).


  • The something  that you're looking for is what makes Christmas so special. 
  • It's placing your life under new management and saying '!' to Jesus as Lord.

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Christmas Peace