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Give Real Peace a Chance

Christmas Peace

Tom LundeenDecember 24, 2023Christmas Messages

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Passage: Luke 2:14

More than 2,000 years after the angels raised this chorus of peace, our world remains as it always has been, a planet in turmoil where violence is commonplace and death and destruction dominate the landscape. Is the message of peace the angels sang about at Jesus' birth simply a myth, fairy tale, a fantasy, or is this peace even a reality in our broken world today? 

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Give Real Pace a Chance


Pastor Tom Lundeen


People want peace so much...but it seems . 

...history tells us that everything but peace has been the most  part of human life since Cain killed Abel.  


More than 2,000 years after the angels raised this chorus of peace, our world remains as it always has been, a planet in  where violence is commonplace and death and destruction dominate the landscape. 


Is the message of peace the angels sang about at Jesus' birth simply a myth, fairy tale, a fantasy, or is this peace even a reality in our  world today? 



1. What Did the Angels ? (note Luke 2:14)


The angels were not announcing  peace...

The peace that the angels sang about was not assured to all, but only to those who experience God's . 

But the peace the Bible speaks of (the peace we all need and want so much) is far more than the  of war. 



2. Knowing the  Peace of Christmas


How can we be  or approved by God, so that we can receive the peace Christmas promises? 

We all fall short of God's  (note Romans 3:23). 


There's only one way to be favored by God and know His peace, and that is to place our faith and trust  in the One whose birth we're celebrating now... 


Today let's recognize that Jesus was not born to simply provide us with another holiday to celebrate, or to be an  of a good person. 

You and I need more than an . 

What we need is a  (note Luke 2:11). 


The  gift of Christmas is that God gave the world His only Son (note John 3:16).

When we place our faith in Jesus,  (turn away from) our sins and place our trust and offer our lives to Him, then God tells us, ...we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (note Romans 5:1). 



How can I find Christmas peace?


  • I want to invite you this Christmas season to give peace a chance...
  • Will you give peace a chance in your life today by saying '' to Jesus as Lord?
  • Give peace, peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, a chance in your life today by  Him as your Forgiver and Leader. 

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Christmas Peace