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Making Peace

Christmas Peace

December 31, 2023Christmas Messages

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Passage: James 4:6-12

Through Christmas, Jesus demonstrates that both conflict and peace are very real and peace is worth pursuing. Navigating conflict is a universal challenge. Someone who navigates conflict God's way is called a Peacemaker.

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Making Peace


Pastor Nate Sickler


Through Christmas, Jesus demonstrates that both conflict and peace are very real and peace is  (John 1:5, 12, 16-17).

Note John 16:33; Ephesians 2:14-16


Navigating  is a universal challenge. 


Someone who navigates conflict God's way is called a  (James 3:18; Matthew 5:9). 



Peacekeeping or Peacemaking?


"Peace is often limited to absence of war or the cessation of violence. Ceasefires and surrenders are important as preambles to peace. But peace in the Bible includes the finest of loving relationships between individuals, within families, communities, and nations. Peace also includes good health." (Kenneth Bailey)


  • Peacekeeping maintains the  but does not produce health. 
    • This is accomplished through dominance or . 



  • Peacemakers  that words carry the power of life and death and cannot be returned once sent. So, they choose words with the utmost care for speaking the truth in love (Proverbs 18:21; Ephesians 4:14; James 1:19).



How can I find Christmas peace?


  • Are you  the status quo?
  • Are you ?
  • Are you after ? 
  • Would the people  describe you as a peacemaker? 

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Christmas Peace