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Is There Hope for My Family?

Family Circus

Tom LundeenNovember 6, 2022Marriage, Parenting

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Passage: Proverbs 24:3

God designed families to be learning centers for life. How are we to prepare and shelter kids, helping to point them to Jesus? Your intentionality to build a healthy family starts with your commitment and devotion to following Jesus.

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Is There Hope for My Family?


Pastor Tom Lundeen


This series is for ...

We all have parents, and we all live in a society that  studies have shown will benefit from healthy families (note Proverbs 24:3).

...healthy families:


1. Prepare Children for  


God designed families to be  for life.

Note Luke 2:52 =  = intellectual/mental growth; stature =  growth; favor with God =  growth; favor with others =  growth.


The moment you took part in conception you got a  description. (Warren)

A.  - most relationship skills are learned in our family. Whatever dysfunctions we adopt...we have to  and relearn healthier habits. Good relationships don't happen . 

B. Character - good  produce good character. 

C.  - you hurt your children if you imply God is only an . It's  to help your kids understand there is right or wrong in a world that's confused (note Isaiah 5:20-21).


2. Shelter Children in Storms (not  but  storms)


God wants our homes to be places of peace, , and security (note Proverbs 14:26).

Common storms: 

A. Change - all change (positive and negative) produces .

B.  - no one wins all the time (note Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

C.  - too many homes are the  of the storm and not the shelter in the storm (note Mark 3:25).


Families that are shelters in storms focus on: 

  • /affection (hugs/words).
  • Affirmation ().
  • Get help when they need it. 


3. Have  Together


Note Psalm 127:3; Ecclesiastes 11:8a

If you wait until all your problems are gone before you start to , you never will. 


4. Keep  Children to Jesus (note Ephesians 6:4)


Note Proverbs 9:10; Philippians 3:8

Knowing, loving, and following Jesus is the  issue of life and will impact them the most. 

Is  a familiar name in your home because it's used only in positive ways? 




  •  families aren't an accident.
  • They're intentionally built by wise parents who do wise things (not  parents)...
  • There's hope for your family...
  • ...hope that's based on commitment to Jesus as the  of your life (note Joshua 24:15c).
  • ...your love and  to following Jesus makes a difference in the lives of students and children. 

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card. 

Messages in Family Circus