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Light for Dark Days

Christmas at Riverside 2022

Tom LundeenDecember 23, 2022Christmas Messages

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Passage: John 1:4-9

Isn't it interesting that the darkest time of year has the brightest lights? When we try to live our life without Jesus at the center, we live in dark. Are you ready to exchange darkness/dark days for God's light?

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Light for Dark Days


Pastor Tom Lundeen


Isn't it interesting that the darkest time of year has the  lights?

Light is a  theme throughout the Bible (note Genesis 1:3).

Light is a prominent  of the first Christmas (note John 1:4-5, 9).


Note John 12:46

The reality is everyone has  (note Ecclesiastes 11:8).

How does Jesus' light help us in our dark days?



1. Jesus' Light  (note Ephesians 5:13)


Light exposes, uncovers, , and it gives you a totally different perspective than when you're in the dark.

The journey is easier and the next steps are  the more light you have. The  light? (note John 8:12)


Our perspective is limited and our light is  (note Isaiah 50:10; Psalm 119:105).

Stop looking for a  in the sky and look for the truth in the Scriptures (note Psalm 19:8).

Note Isaiah 42:16 and Psalm 23:4



2. Jesus' Light  


Jesus' light can cleanse and  us... (note 1 John 1:6-9).

Jesus' light can help us experience a clean start instead of being saddled with guilt, shame, and .

Jesus came to be our Savior, to  us from sin and its devastating effects in our lives (note Matthew 1:21; 2 Samuel 22:29; Ephesians 5:8-9).



3. Jesus' Light  


When I'm in pain...Jesus' light is the  (note Psalm 69:29; 103:3).

Jesus' light frees us from those  that hold us in darkness (note Colossians 1:12-13).



4. Jesus' Light Helps Me Make  Changes


There are two main ways we change:

  • When we  the light.
  • When we  the heat.


Note Ephesians 1:17-18

God tells us that light and  are to go hand-in-hand (note Psalm 36:9).

The more you live in God's light, the more you'll  life (note John 8:12; 10:10; 2 Corinthians 4:6; 1 John 2:8).



So this Christmas season: 

  • When you try to live your life without Jesus at the  of your life, you live it in the dark.
  • Are you ready to  your darkness/dark days for God's light?
  • That's what Christmas is all about. 
  • Jesus came to  up your life.
  • Jesus offers you the greatest Christmas gift you can ever receive -  His light for your darkness; His forgiveness for your  and regret; and His life for your present, future, and eternity.

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Christmas at Riverside 2022