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What Matters More?

Christmas at Riverside 2022

Tom LundeenJanuary 1, 2023

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Passage: John 1:2-6

Do any of us really think that 2023 will be a Happy New Year? What matters more than what we can see and what we think and what we feel? Learn how Christmas matters more. 

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What Matters More?


Pastor Tom Lundeen


Do any of us really think that  will be a Happy New Year?

Studies show over and over again that if we make New Year’s resolutions (just % of Americans do), only % of that 41% feel they were successful 12 months later; and % of the 41% abandon their New Year’s resolutions by February.

What matters more than what we can see and what we  and what we feel?


1.  Matters More (note John 1:14)


Note Isaiah 53:2b

What Jesus did was to  Himself with our hurts, pain, problems, need, and even our sin.

Note 1 Peter 2:24


2.  Perspective (note John 1:1-5)


213 years later, which Napoleonic battles in 1809 were more important than the  of 1809?

Note Galatians 4:4

2,000 years ago, the world was focused on  and the Roman Empire.


But in God’s eternal plan and incredible purpose, it wasn’t Rome that was the  of attention.

It was a baby in a manger in  that mattered most.


That baby:

  • Divided history into  and .
  •  great educational systems and institutions and organizations that care for people’s physical health, social needs, emotional well-being, and relationship strengthening.
  • His teachings and personal  in our world through His Spirit changes individuals, marriages, and families, and transforms their lives and their futures.


So this Christmas and New Year season:


  • No matter what  with our economy, with politics, with the culture, and in our personal lives, because of a baby born in a manger in Bethlehem, my life can have meaning, purpose, and genuine hope.
  • Note John 1:4-5

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Messages in Christmas at Riverside 2022