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Make Room

Christmas at Riverside 2022

Tom LundeenDecember 4, 2022Christmas Messages

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Passage: Luke 2:1-7

No room is a big part of the Christmas story. Before we point fingers at the innkeeper, we need to recognize that we also do this both individually and as a society.  How do we open every room to Jesus this Christmas season?

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Make Room

Pastor Tom Lundeen


 is a big part of the Christmas story (note Luke 2:1-7).

But before pointing fingers at the innkeeper, we need to recognize we also do this ( and as a society).

...why don't I make room for Jesus in my /personal life? 



1. Our  is Elsewhere


One of the characteristics of God is that He is  (present everywhere; note Psalm 139:7-12).

Too often we're not connected/ in to the fact Jesus is around us. 


Note John 4:10 and Luke 24:16

Other things become our focus and fill the  of our heart...



2. Our Heart is Overcrowded


Principle = stuff .

Your heart was made for God; but if you've rented out your heart to other , then you won't have room or time for God...


Too many people today think that they can do their own thing and be the captain of their own , only to discover it leads to broken lives, relationships, disappointments, and  (note 1 Corinthians 2:14; Mark 4:19; Deuteronomy 8:14).



3. Our Self-Sufficiency is  


Actually our biggest problem as human beings is  (note Psalm 10:4).

 that pushes God out of first place in my life is an idol/false god. We need God's power to live life as God purposed for us (note Isaiah 53:6). 



4. When I Make Room for Jesus...


A. I get to know my  and Savior (note 1 John 1:1-4) - life is better when we live it according to the One who  us. Note Matthew 1:21 and John 3:16. Every person's greatest need is  (note John 1:11-12). 


B. I receive meaning, , and strength for my life - you were made for more than money and . You were made for meaning and  (note 2 Corinthians 6:12-13). But when we make room for Jesus, we can experience His ...(note John 14:27). When we give more and more of the rooms of our lives to Jesus, He gives us the strength we need in every  of life (note 2 Timothy 1:7). 



So this Christmas season: 

  • So this Christmas season, how do I make room for Jesus?
  •  Him in.
  • Open the doors of your life to Him (note Psalm 37:5).
  • Say 'YES!' to Him as Lord.
  • Open  room.

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Christmas at Riverside 2022