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Ask the Right Questions - Part 1

Now What?

Tom LundeenApril 28, 2024

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Every person has to navigate important moments in our lives where we aren't sure what we should do...these are Now What? moments, and depending on what we do or don't do, these times will have significant impact in our lives and futures. How can we make healthier and more godly decisions?

So, an important question to ask when we are faced with a decision is, Will this choice/action be helpful?

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Ask the Right Questions - Part 1


Pastor Tom Lundeen



Every person has to  important moments in our lives where we aren't sure what we should do...these are Now What? moments, and depending on what we do or don't do, these times will have significant impact in our lives and futures.

How can we make healthier and more  decisions?


So, an important question to ask when we are faced with a decision is, Will this choice/action be ?

Note John 8:32; Colossians 2:8-10, 16-18a, 20-23

But just because in Jesus we have  freedom doesn't mean that we can do anything we feel like doing (note 1 Corinthians 6:12).


When we ask ourselves this question, the Apostle Paul offers two godly  to guide our decisions:



1. Will This Decision/Action Make Me a  Person? (note 1 Corinthians 6:12)


There are all sorts of things that could be labeled non- in life. 

Often the good is an  to the best. 


Life is too short to waste significant  of it on things that really don't matter that much, that don't really contribute to you being more of who Jesus died and rose again for you to be. 

God is always guiding us to become a better person  and  other people in our lives. 


Jesus is calling us to live up to who we are in Him instead of living down to the ever-changing and ever-declining standards of what's acceptable to a sin- and truth-avoiding culture. 


Our  (and God's will) is to build others up and not tear them down (note 1 Corinthians 8:1b, 9).

We limit our freedom to show  for others (note 1 Corinthians 10:23-24; Galatians 5:13).



2. Does This Decision/Action  Me, or Do I Control It? (note 1 Corinthians 6:12b)


Whatever controls your life is your . 

God knew what a  issue this can easily become in our lives... (note Deuteronomy 5:7; Matthew 6:24).

Note 2 Corinthians 8:9


Paul is literally saying, I won't be  by anything...nothing except God's will and Word will control my life.

If I'm a  to anything or anyone but Jesus, then I'm not in God's will (note Romans 6:20-22). 



So now what?
  • Will this choice/action be helpful? is such an important question to ask ourselves in helping us  God's will. 
  • So ask yourself...

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Messages in Now What?