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Passage: Nehemiah 3:1-30

God will certainly speak into our "Now What?" moments, but each of us has our own part to play. Discover yours.

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Your Turn

Pastor Tony Myles


All of us come to important moments in our lives where we aren't sure what we should do...these are Now What? moments, and depending on what we do or don't do, these times will have significant impact in our lives and futures.


Let's start with a quick review. 


God will guide us... 


So... ?

  • Maybe you've been doing some or all those things, but still feel . 
  • You may be tempted to say something like, "I  all of that, and it hasn't ."
  • God will certainly speak into our "Now What?" moments, but each of us has our  to play. 


Find Your Reason to  


Celebrate (even a ) (Nehemiah 4:6)

  • Perhaps you're not at "" - but are you no longer at ""?
  • How long have you been in a cycle of ?


 Right Your Wrongs (Nehemiah 5:1-13)

  • In what ways are you inclined to skip the step of ?
  • We must be willing to worry less about our  if it means  can happen. 


So now what?
  • If you want to experience a  like you've never experienced, you have to begin  in a way you've never lived (or that others aren't).
  • Discovering God's will/direction/guidance isn't a one-way street, but a two-way !

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Now What?