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Indecision, Decisions, and What's Been Decided

Now What?

Tony MylesJune 2, 2024

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Passage: Psalms 23:1-6

"Indecision is a decision." Decisions are usually defined by a previous decision - who have you been listening to who sounds like God, but isn't God?

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Indecision, Decisions, and What's Been Decided


Pastor Tony Myles


All of us come to important moments in our lives where we aren't sure what we should do...these are ? moments, and depending on what we do or don't do, these times will have significant impact in our lives and futures.


Indecision is a .


James 1:5-6 teaches...

Patient and prayerful decisions are ; fearful, man-centered indecision is not. They may look the same from the outside, but are different in between you and God. 



Learning from Psalm 23


I admit I need to be  by God.

v.1a The Lord is my shepherd.

  • Doing anything (even ministry) without some form of surrendered prayer is the highest form of . 


I  I have all I need in God.

v.1b: I lack nothing.

  • It's possible to not have what you want in life, yet still have everything .


I commit to  in God.

v.2-3a: He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes by soul. 

  • What would it take to let yourself  into God with everything?


I discern my  through God.

v.3b: He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake.

  • "Right paths" implies, "Keep  being  with God."


I embrace  from God.

v.4: Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

  • Make a -based list of all the ways God is  in your direction. 


I face the "impossible"  God.

v.5: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.  

  • God wants us to humbly sit before people and situations we'd rather . 


I grow when I don't  God.

v.6: Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

  • Let the thread you see reveal the  and  you haven't fully seen. 


So now what?


  • When you're overwhelmed, don't .
  • God says He'll personally guide me in making a decision... Do I ? 
  • How will I, in  ways, let God guide me? 
  • When will I quit ? (see 1 Kings 18:21)
  • Practice it right now.


Don't miss this: 

These decisions are usually defined by a previous decision - who have you been listening to who  like God, but ?

Tell someone about the next step you took today in your spiritual journey! Let us know, too, and fill out our digital connect card.

Messages in Now What?