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It's the Start That Stops Us - Part 2

Now What?

Tom LundeenApril 14, 2024

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Passage: Nehemiah 2:17-20

All of us come to important moments in our lives where we aren't sure what we should do...these are Now What? moments, and depending on what we do or don't do, these times will have significant impact in our lives and futures. Join us as Pastor Tom completes this message as we start small and rely on a bit of faith to start.

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It's the Start That Stops Us  - Part 2


Pastor Tom Lundeen


All of us come to important moments in our lives where we aren't sure what we should do...these are Now What? moments, and depending on what we do or don't do, these times will have significant  in our lives and futures. 


1. By Giving Us a Divine Burden (note Nehemiah 1:1-3)


2. By Sincere Prayer (Nehemiah 1:5-11)


3. By Taking Us in a New Direction (Nehemiah 1:11b)


God also guides us: 


4. By Starting  


Note Zechariah 4:10a

Before Nehemiah ever saw the  around Jerusalem built, look at the small steps he took: 


  • First he prayed  prayers. 
  • Then he approached King Artaxerxes with his request. 
  • Then he had to plan to take an -mile journey (probably by donkey). 
  • Then he waited  days after arriving in Jerusalem. 
  • Then he inspected the walls alone at night. 
  • Then he gathered the leaders and officials and  them to this vision (note Nehemiah 2:17-18).
  • Then someone had to  the first stone. 
  • Then everyone had to work hard, including being prepared to ...(note Nehemiah 4:16-18). 


5. By Giving Us Faith to Start


You and I don't have to know all the . 

And most of the time, God won't give you and me the . 


You don't have to have the faith to . 

You just need the faith to . 

And then you trust God to take the next step, even when there are , problems, and challenges (note Nehemiah 2:19-20a). 


Just don't let the start  you. 

You never  something you don't start. 

It's okay to have  dreams, but start small. 


So now what?
  • We vastly  what God will do for us in the short run, and we vastly  what God can do through a lifetime of faithfulness. 
  • Start doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the . (St. Francis of Assisi)
  • Note 1 Corinthians 15:58 and Galatians 6:9
  • Some of us need to start at the .

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Messages in Now What?