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Ask the Right Questions - Part 2

Now What?

Tom LundeenMay 5, 2024

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Passage: 1 Peter 2:16

In this series we are looking at questions to ask yourself as you make decisions. This week we explore how our conscience impacts our decisions and actions.

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Ask the Right Questions - Part 2


Pastor Tom Lundeen


Our series is all about how all of us have to navigate important moments in our lives where we aren't sure what we should do...these are Now What? moments, and depending on what we  or don't , these times will have significant impact in our lives and futures.


Last Sunday we asked the questions,


1. Will this choice/action be helpful?

And we saw 2 tests the Apostle Paul offers to us to guide our decisions:


A. Will This Decision/Action Make Me a Better Person?

B. Does This Decision/Action  Me, or Do I Control It?


The 2nd important question to ask ourselves is:


2. Does This Decision/Action Bother My ? (Note 1 Peter 2:16)


Conscience is the capability and power of mind to  between right and wrong (note Romans 2:12-16).

Conscience is God's indestructible gift that acts as an independent  within us.


Conscience acts at times as both a prosecuting attorney and a .

Conscience is our  sense organ. (Mathew).


Scriptures tell us that all human beings know there's a God from 2 sources: 

  • God's  (Psalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:20).
  • Human being's  (Romans 2:15).


Conscience =  together with.

God uses our consciences in  main ways in our lives: 


A. It puts in  what we should do - even when we're seemingly all alone, conscience shouts within us,  and .

B. It acts as a  - although our human conscience isn't still helps us understand how close or how far off is the  of our conduct with God's truth and standards.

C. It acts as an  - whenever you or I  the dictates of our conscience, there's an almost automatic response...(note Genesis 3:7-8; 42:21; Psalm 32:3-5). Drugs, therapy, or just trying to  our conscience doesn't work. Only  can give us a good conscience.


Problem is, our conscience can be rendered  (seared, note 1 Timothy 4:2).

If we continuously ignore/reject the promptings of our conscience, it will  in its ability to signal/warn us that something is wrong.


D. What is a  conscience (note Acts 24:16; Hebrews 13:18)? - we receive a clear conscience when we say 'YES!' to Jesus as Lord (note Hebrews 9:14, 22). It's the blood of Jesus that can cleanse our -filled consciences from sin, shame, and guilt (note Romans 5:1; 8:1).

E.  a good conscience (note 1 Timothy 1:5) - first, make sure to keep short  with God (note 1 John 1:9). Next, give the Holy Spirit something to work with (be a  follower of Jesus)...And also be  with the Holy Spirit (note Galatians 3:3).


So now what?
  •  is a great time to let God do some work on our consciences.
  • Note 1 Corinthians 11:28; 2 Corinthians 13:5

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Messages in Now What?