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I'd Rather Do It Myself

From Stress to Rest

Tom LundeenMarch 5, 2023

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Delegation isn't a dirty word. It's not an admission of weakness or failure. Why do we stress ourselves out trying to juggle all the parts of our own life and the lives of others, and not delegate and not get other people involved?

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I'd Rather Do It Myself


Pastor Tom Lundeen


We tend to think that because Jesus is the Son of God, He didn't have to deal with all the things that are so often connected to the stress  we experience. 


But...(Hebrews 4:15; John 4:6; Luke 4:2b; Mark 11:12; 3:4-5; Matthew 16:5-11a; Luke 22:42-44)

So when you feel stressed, know Jesus  what you're experiencing. 



1. Jesus  His Authority 

(note Mark 3:14-15; 6:7-13; Luke 10:1-3, 17)


A major reason we're tense, uptight, and stressed out, is because we have the mistaken idea that it all  on us, it's all on our shoulders, and if we loosen our grip on anything, no matter how large or small, everything will collapse in a heap of . 

Note Genesis 2:18; Ecclesiastes 4:10-12; 1 Corinthians 12:12, 27


Delegation isn't a  word.

It's not an admission of weakness or . 

Note Deuteronomy 34:10-12; Exodus 18:13-24; Numbers 11:14-17


Why do we stress ourselves out trying to  all the parts of our own life and the lives of others, and not delegate and not get other people involved?


2. Let's Be Honest With Ourselves


A.  - and if we're honest,  is a big part of this equation...who do you think did a better job, Jesus, or the  or the ? But Jesus still delegated His authority and His mission to them knowing they wouldn't do it as well, and sometimes even  (note Matthew 17:14-16; 26:36-38, 40). It's okay to let others make some of the . Mistakes are often (when  properly) a great source of learning/education. Don't  others of their education!

B.  - suppose we delegate something to someone, and they end up  at it than we are? The antidote for fear and insecurity =  (note Numbers 11:24-29; 12:3; 1 Corinthians 15:9; 1 Timothy 1:15).


From Stress to Rest in 2023: 


  • In Greek mythology, Zeus condemns  to have to hold up the heavens and sky for eternity. 
  • Doing it all was a , not a gift.
  • Good news is Jesus actually bore the sins of the whole world in His body so we can be  and have a new life. 

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Messages in From Stress to Rest