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The Address For Stress

From Stress to Rest

Tony MylesMarch 26, 2023

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Passage: Matthew 11:28-30

Are you worn out by worry, agonizing with anxiety, and succumbing to stress? Jesus invites you to not stay paralyzed and stuck where you are, but to step towards Him.

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The Address For Stress


Pastor Tony Myles


Remember: Jesus experienced  levels of stress throughout every week of His earthly life. 

So when you feel , know Jesus understands what you're experiencing. 

...I want us to see how Jesus  us to bring our stress, anxieties, and worry to Him and find less stress and more rest. 



1. The  of Jesus (note Matthew 11:28-30)


Are you worn out by worry,  with anxiety, and succumbing to stress?

Jesus invites you to not stay paralyzed and  where you are, but to step towards Him. 

How can Jesus  this?


He is the Prince of  (note Isaiah 9:6).

He is in  of peace.

He's the  of peace (note Ephesians 2:14a; Romans 5:1).


...we can have both peace  God (note Romans 5:6-11)...

...and also the peace  God we can experience (note Philippians 4:6-7).



2. The  Piece 


Who wouldn't want to trade their , pressure-packed, stress-filled, anxiety-laden life experiences for genuine rest?

You can't just give your stress to Jesus, but then live the rest of your life  of Him. 

Genuine peace of mind/inner peace becomes a real alternative when you have a  relationship with the Prince of Peace. 



3. We All Have a  


Whether we want to  it or not, everyone is yoked to something/someone.

Note Leviticus 26:13 and Acts 15:10

The fact it, no one is . 


We all have connections to people, ideas, systems, philosophies, organizations, social media, family, political viewpoints, etc., that  and mold us, and can actually hold us in bondage by  us to other options and our own weaknesses and insecurities.

We're all  to sin (note Romans 6:6, 16; 7:21-25; John 8:34).


We can admit that we're poor, unhappy, from a dysfunctional family, but we'll be offended if someone says we're not .

Note Isaiah 64:6 and Romans 3:23

The only question in life is who/what am I  to? (note Matthew 11:29)



From Stress to Rest in 2023: 


  • The greatest single source of stress and anxiety in your life and mine is when we attempt to live our lives apart from the God who made us and designed the  for us to live. 
  • When we live our lives apart from God's truth and creates all sorts of problems and frustrations, and  is one of the most significant stress producers there is. 
  • Note Matthew 11:30
  • Our greatest need isn't . 
  • It's .
  • We don't need to turn over a new leaf; we need a new life. (Warren)
  • God's way of helping us experience less stress and more rest isn't external, but internal, from the  (note John 14:27).

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Messages in From Stress to Rest