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The Ultimate Financial Planner (2023)

From Stress to Rest

Tom LundeenFebruary 5, 2023Finances

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Passage: Luke 16:11

There are probably fewer topics that have more spiritual and practical implications for our lives, marriages, families, culture, nation, and world than how we handle money and how money handles us. Jesus made it clear that how we handle money has eternal implications. What are God's principles for financial freedom?


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The Ultimate Financial Planner


Pastor Tom Lundeen


There are probably fewer topics that have more spiritual and practical implications for our lives, marriages, families, culture, nation, and world than how we  money and how money  us. 


  • % of Americans are in debt
  • % of millenials spend more on coffee than retirement plans
  • % of couples who argue have disagreements about money
  • Infidelity and money issues are easily the top reasons for


Even more significantly, Jesus made it clear that how we handle money has  implications (note Luke 16:11).

God measures our spiritual maturity by how we deal with money. 


Jesus focused on this topic so much not because He was obsessed about money or wanted us to have a lot of it, but because He knew money is always a heart issue and one of the most likely reasons for someone to either follow Him or to give up on Him (note Matthew 6:19-21).


What are God's principles for financial freedom?


1. Keep Good  (note Proverbs 27:23-24a)


We need to know where our money  from and where it . 

Often money doesn't tends to slip away quietly and doesn't give a  address (note Proverbs 23:23).


I need to know what I , owe, earn, and where it's all going.

 it down!




A budget is simply planned .

It helps you tell your money where to  instead of wondering where it  (note Proverbs 21:5).

Your  will always exceed your earnings.


Note Proverbs 21:20b

If you want to control your debt you've got to nip it in the . (Warren)


3.  (note Proverbs 20:21a)


% of Americans have no savings.

% have less than $15,000 saved.

Note Proverbs 6:6-8


One of the unspoken reasons we don't save is .

The problem is most people we envy are also in debt and  others. 

We have to stop /competing and decide to do the right things with the money God has entrusted to us (note Proverbs 13:11). 


4.  (note Proverbs 3:9-10)


Whatever you want God to  in your life, put Him first. 

Great starting point =  (10%)...note Malachi 3:10.

God  it all anyway.


Practicing generosity reminds us that everything is God's so we: 

  • Give with  
  • It helps make God our first  
  • It is a declaration of  

Note 1 Corinthians 16:2 and John 3:16


5.   (note Ecclesiastes 6:9)


We can be so focused on getting more that we don't  what we have. 

The truth is, things will "settle down" when we  for them to settle down (note Hebrews 13:5 and Philippians 4:10-13). 


From Stre$$ to Rest in 2023: 


  • I know these  work
  • There are 2 conditions: 
    1. You have to do them ; and 
    2. You have to do them in 
  • God's :


  • Out of control finances are symptoms of an out of control life
  • We need a life manager = Jesus Christ
  • Behind all our financial problems is unbelief
  • We need Jesus to be first the CEO of our lives, and then the CFO, too
  • Note Job 31:24-25, 28

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Messages in From Stress to Rest